Henning Family
- By: Rowlene Henning
- Short URL: https://archive.backabuddy.co.za/rowlene-henning-5838978339028800949
- Date Created: 16 February 2024
Personal message
Hi :) Hellooooooooo :)
I hope you are doing very well.
My name is Rowlene, and we are The Hennings.
I am not sure if this will work, but there is no harm in trying.
I went for a Laparoscopy procedure on the 6th of February, where I found out I have stage 4 endometriosis, and that my fallopian tubes are completely blocked that makes it difficult to get pregnant, Me and my husband have been together for almost 14 Years ( On March the 5th it will be 14 years) and married for almost 5 Years (On the 16th of March it will be 5 years) we have been trying to have a family for 4 years and nothing happened, My heart is broken when I found out that I will never be able to conceive naturally and will need to go for IVF (In Vitro Fertilisation), but no medical plan that I know about covers IVF, and I only have a Hospital plan with Discovery. Our one dream as a married couple is to be able to have a family, a baby we can call our own, but the cost for IVF is very very expensive, looking at R75 000 per IVF, and that is if the first IVF takes.
The reason for me trying to get funds on "Back A Buddy" it because that my one big dream is so expensive, And I am hoping that with Back A Buddy my dream will come true and that I will be able go for IVF and me and my husband will have our family we have been dreaming about for soooo long,
I also just want to say thank you for taking your time to read this and if you do fund our dream, Thank you so so so so so much, it means the whole world to us.
Lots of love and Regards.
The Hennings.