help a champion
- By: Quiwin Maasdorp
- Short URL:
- Date Created: 20 December 2023
Personal message
Quiwin Maasdorp, a 17-year-old drum majorette, is my name. I reside in the town of Paarl, which is close to Cape Town, the capital of the Western Cape. The preconceived notion of the sport drum majorette is erroneous. Majorettes is the term used globally for drum majorettes. Majorettes is a sport in which a few props are used, including:
Pom (cheerleaders' tool)
Baton (the smallest stick, also frequently used in South Africa and abroad)
Mace (the prop used in South Africa and occasionally throughout in the world)
Flag (also known as banniers; used in South Africa)
2020 marked the beginning of my sport majorette career. I aspire to work as a majorette full-time after nearly five years of experience. I would never consider myself good at majorettes because everyone has a unique style that works for them.
I began learning how to use the prop mace during my time as a majorette. Although it has caused me blood and bruises, it has grown to be my favourite. In 2021, I achieved my WP colours. These are acquired through a series of challenges, and upon passing, one is eligible to represent their province in the National Championship.I pursued my SA colours in 2022 the following year. These are obtained by a series of more difficult exams, and if you pass them, you will once more represent South Africa in international competitions.
The SA team travelled to Croatia this year and got the opportunity to share their perspective on drummies with the world.
I then take part in a variety of displays, including:
Mace group
Baton mini
Mace mini
Baton defile
Mace defile
Flag group
Pom Mini
and the showgroup category ( Small Drill)
I also participated in Solos, Duos and trios such as:
Mace trio
Pom solo
Mace solo
In some of those categories south africa made record:
Mace group 🥇( captain:jaime leigh botma)
Baton group 4th ( captain: jaimeleigh botma)
flag group 🥇( captain: no capt)
Mini mace 🥈( captain: jo leigh sebastian)
Mini Baton🥇 ( captain:Quiwin Maasdorp)
Mini Pom 🥇( captain: Quiwin Maasdorp)
Mace Defile🥇 : Captain: Quiwin Maasdorp)
Baton Defile4th: (Captain:Courtney Williams )
Mace Solo 🥇 ( Quiwin Maasdorp )
Pom Solo🥈 ( Quiwin Maasdorp)
I was also awarder the highest scoring mace soloist in the world.
I won't be able to reclaim my title in France the following year due to certain circumstances. In order for me to use the funds for fees for: I also want to know if anyone would be interested in making a donations for :
costumes, headgear and new sports gear
and additional resources to aid me in 2024.
- Dec 28, 2023 - USD $ 29.13 Fees covered
- "My mom also wants to support you 🤗" - VP
- Dec 20, 2023 - R 200.00 Fees covered
- "So proud of you Q . You have made history in 2023 . Love YGM" - Anonymous
- Dec 20, 2023 - R 400.00 Fees covered
- "" - Anonymous
- Dec 20, 2023 - R 500.00 Fees covered
- "Go make us proud Q" - Lauren & Robyn
- Dec 20, 2023 - USD $ 27.34
- "Good luck Q" - VP
help a champion Campaign

Quiwin Maasdorp, a 17-year-old drum majorette from Paarl near Cape Town, challenges global misconceptions about this sport. Since 2020, she's embraced majorettes, excelling with props like pom-poms, batons, maces, and flags. Achieving provincial and national honors, Quiwin represented South Africa in Croatia, showcasing her skill and setting records. Seeking support for upcoming fees and equipment, she aims to continue excelling in 2024.