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Tertiary education financial aid

Tertiary education financial aid

Funds Raised:
R 0
Fundraising Target:
R 35 000

Personal message

The following story is a story of survival,hardwork,sheer determination and inspiration. 
The story is about a young lady aged nineteen called Nosipho Mahlinza who hails from Freedom Park Johannesburg whose dream is to become a Chartered Accountant. To ensure that she achieves that dream in her Matric year she passed with four distinctions and in the process getting three regional academic badges for three subjects  (Accounting 95%,Business Studies 100%and Consumer studies 83%)  in Soweto. The statement of results is found below. 

Nosipho's journey is not all roses inorder to achieve her academic excellence she does that facing challenges no child should face or any human being for that matter. Her mother was diagnosed with dementia in 2021 and as a result of unpleasant episodes that happened at her former workplace (Shoprite)she lost her job. She has had to learn to live with a parent who is kind,sweet and caring one munute and in a second she can be in her own world the next moment talking and doing things that can only be understood by her. 

Her mother's mental illness and loss of employment  does not affect her socially and psychologically only,it affects her financially too. As a result of her great academic performance  Nosipho was accepted at the University of Stellenbosch to study Bachelor of Accounting Sciences. As a child that comes from a household of extremely low income her tertiary studies are proving to be difficult due to lack of funding. She lacks resources needed for her studies such as a laptop,financial calculator,prescribed textbooks and accommodation  (Nasfas approved R41 000 while the campus residence costs R65 000+). These challenges have been taking a toll on her as she constantly stresses about all these matters beyond her. 

In the absence of financial problems Nosipho can pass with distinctions and I know this because I've been on her side tutoring and mentoring her through different situations. I kindly appeal to all well wishers to assist her in her quest for a better future that she can only attain through education. She needs R35 000 to solve her financial problems and with your help she can make it in life. 

I thank you all in advance Dennala Chipanga. 


Fundraising target

R 35 000.00

Donations to date

R 0.00

Tertiary education financial aid Campaign