- By: Netta Greyvenstein
- Short URL: https://archive.backabuddy.co.za/netta-greyvenstein-5844126689974461762
- Date Created: 22 February 2024
Personal message
Good day my name is Antonette greyvenstein people known me as netta i need urgent help to under go a surgery on my hip i was in an accident in 2003 and injured my hip i went to boksburg hospital were they operated on me but the surgery faild so the transfer me to joburg gen hospital were i went in for 4 more operation on my leg to replace my hip and agian it failed because the dokter don't know what they are doing so i end up with out a hip and is now in a wheelchair i lost my parents both i lost my father in 2013 deu to a haert attack and my mom in 2014 deu to cancer i have a brother but i don't know were he is he did even came and visit me in hospital i was a year in hospital due to complications i pic up a deadly virus and infection and the government hospital doktors said there is no antibiotics that will help for the virus and infection and that there is nothing they can do for me anymore but i believe there is 2 more private dokters told me there is alway something to do and i believe i will walk again with the right dokters help to do the operation the operation is a costly operation it will cost me 400.000 thousand to do the operation privately i am also a giveing and caring person and will always help were i can i am a soft hearted person and help always were i can but i came to you people out there for help to make the operation possible so that i can walk again and to help other people also that were in my shoes that is walking the same path that i am walking currently now i don't fors people to donate if they want to donate ot must come from they heart i will appreciate any help that i can get i have proof of my medical situation i don't have a medical aid that is why i am seeking for help my wish is to still go this year for the operation to be able to walk i was 34 when i went for the 1st operation and i am 37 now and still have no hip and is stil in a wheelchair please if there is any one out there i will appreciate any help