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Minel Fourie Parathyroid Transplant

Minel Fourie Parathyroid Transplant

Funds Raised:
R 0
Fundraising Target:
R 250 000

Personal message

My wish is that after learning about Minel Fourie's unexpected journey, you'll not only feel the urge in your heart to lend a helping hand but also find inspiration in sharing her story.

This isn't a tale of sympathy but one of a resilient young woman who astonishes many with her unwavering faith and inner strength.

Minel, a beautiful 29-year-old with a kind heart, faces challenges that test her faith. Her journey began in 2021 with health concerns that led to a life-altering total thyroidectomy in April 2022. Unfortunately, complications emerged, including Hypoparathyroidism and Hypocalcaemia, leaving her reliant on frequent IV calcium infusions.

This has taken a toll, not just physically but emotionally and financially too. Medical bills averaging over R10,000 monthly, daily medications, and the inability to work have become overwhelming.

In the midst of this struggle, there's a glimmer of hope. Dr. Benedetti in the USA, an expert in parathyroid transplants, has given positive feedback, guiding a South African doctor to perform this procedure. Dr. Claire Mitchell, an endocrinologist Specialist Surgeon in South Africa, will conduct the first-ever parathyroid transplant in the country on March 19th, 2024.

While Minel's medical aid, Discovery, has been supportive, there's a significant financial gap of nearly R200,000, exacerbated by previous medical bills. We're reaching out to our community, hoping for your generosity to help meet these pressing expenses.

Every small donation and prayer for the success of this transplant is a beacon of hope for us. Your support, financial or in prayers, means the world to us and fills our lives with hope and gratitude.

For those willing to contribute, please reach out directly to me. Your assistance and prayers would be immensely appreciated.

With heartfelt thanks,

Denel Goch


Fundraising target

R 250 000.00

Donations to date

R 0.00

Minel Fourie Parathyroid Transplant Campaign

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Minel Fourie's journey, battling health complications post-thyroid surgery, seeks support for an upcoming pioneering parathyroid transplant due to financial gaps despite medical aid coverage. Your donation or prayer is a beacon of hope for her healing. Join us in aiding Minel's journey toward recovery. Thank you for considering support.