Alopecia Universalis
- By: Melissa Chetty
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- Date Created: 18 January 2024
Personal message
My name is Melissa. I am 27 years old. I came from a background where studying was not a necessity and was never seen as important; therefore, I was not helped by my parents while I studied. Nevertheless, I wanted to study and create a better life.
I worked really hard to get into university and to stay in. I had to work and study to be able to do this. I began losing my hair in 2018. This was my final year of campus. I used to go to campus, go to work straight after, and study throughout the nights; there were consecutive days that I never slept because there just wasn't enough time. In 2018, I began to fall ill. I then noticed a bald patch on my head; this quickly got bigger, and more patches formed which all got bigger and connected until I had no more hair. During this time, I tried natural remedies, GPs, etc.
In 2019, I went to a dermatologist who put me on Medrol and Methotrexate which grew 90% of my hair back; however, it just stopped working, and my hair began to fall off again. The dermatologist then put me on Prednisone and Azathioprine, which made me extremely ill to the point where the dermatologist suspected that my kidneys were failing. He then put me on Cyclosporine, which put me in debt but also did not help. He, thereafter put me on Sulfasalazine, which also did not work but only made me sicker. I then decided to stop all medication as I was not able to eat, work, sleep, and my quality of life declined drastically. I did try going back on Methotrexate, but it has also made me sick with no trace of hair growth.
During the second shedding after Methotrexate, I not only lost the hair on my head but it had spread to my eyebrows, eyelashes, and my whole body.
I have been researching Olumiant from the time it was FDA approved until now that it is available in South Africa to purchase. Olumiant is, however, too expensive (R40,000), but there is a generic called Unamity which is approximately R10,000 for a month’s supply. I did see a mom doing a fundraiser for her daughter who also suffers from alopecia universalis, and this medication needs to be taken for at least 5 years.
I would greatly appreciate any assistance I could get to help me with the cost of this.
When I was younger, I had the longest hair which went over my knees; my eyelashes were so long and thick that many people assumed it was fake lashes. My hair was really beautiful, and all of it was taken away. For the past 6 years, I’ve never prayed or wished for anything else but my hair to grow back. My hair loss has affected so many aspects of my life. I hate looking at myself in the mirror because I don’t even recognize the person staring back at me; I’m unable to do certain things and go certain places. I’ve been picked on and humiliated because of my condition from the very people whom I trusted with this secret, and as much as I’m trusting God, this medication might be the only thing that will help me.
God bless each and every one of you that has read my story.
Alopecia Universalis Campaign

I'm Melissa, 27 years old, overcoming challenges to build a better life through education. In 2018, while studying and working hard, I faced severe hair loss, affecting my daily life. Despite trying various treatments, including medication, the condition persisted, impacting my self-esteem profoundly. After researching, I found Olumiant, but its high cost (approximately R10,000 per month) is a significant obstacle. I'm seeking financial assistance for a more affordable generic, Unamity, to regain my lost hair after six years of struggle. The emotional and social impacts have been immense. Any support on my journey to restore my hair is greatly appreciated.