Mariette Eksteen doing the Comrades for Rainbows and Smiles
- By: Mariette Eksteen
- Short URL: https://archive.backabuddy.co.za/mariette-eksteen-comrades-for-rainbows-smiles
- Date Created: 31 May 2023
Personal message
Rainbows and Smiles do amazing work at the hospital where my friend, Dr Ané Buchner is an oncology doctor. We have been friends since school and have spent many hours running together. Through the month of September (Run for a Reason) I read the heart wrenching stories of the children with cancer, and it fills my heart with sadness, love, and appreciation. The charity provides children and their families going through childhood cancer with holistic support.
My wonderful husband was diagnosed with APL leukemia when he was 31. He was extremely sick and spent 100 days in intensive care. Today we celebrate 11 years that he has been in remission, healthy and well. He spent 100 days in coma, and it was the most difficult experience for our family (my son was only 2 weeks old at the time). I just cannot imagine what the families of children with cancer go through. We are thankful for our miracle and never take a single moment for granted.
I have such a passion for running and running with a purpose is going to make this Comrades Marathon so special for me.
Let’s help children with cancer and make their journey a weeny bit easier. Please click on the link and make a donation.
Thank you for your kind heart.
- Jun 23, 2023 - R 200.00
- "Baie geluk met jou Comrades Mariette" - Lynette
- Jun 11, 2023 - USD $ 28.87 Fees covered
- "Jy's 'n yster. Dankie vir wie en wat jy is! Ek bid dat jy 'n goeie wedloop het. Dankie dat jy soveel doen vir ander." - Janeane Matthews
- Jun 10, 2023 - R 300.00
- "Baie sterkte Mariette hoop jy het n goeie Comrades 2023!Pappa." - Fritz Louw
- Jun 08, 2023 - R 750.00
- "Baie sterkte Mariette ! Geniet dit!" - Tillie Kamper
- Jun 08, 2023 - R 1 000.00 Fees covered
- "All your colleagues at Taga Medical are so proud of you for taking on this challenge for Rainbows & Smiles. You got this!!" - Taga Medical
- Jun 07, 2023 - R 100.00
- "Good luck Mariette!" - Thandi
- Jun 06, 2023 - R 300.00 Fees covered
- "Sterkte!!!!" - Elandi
- Jun 06, 2023 - R 300.00 Fees covered
- "GO MARIETTE GO !!!!!" - Herman Ohna
- Jun 06, 2023 - R 200.00 Fees covered
- "Blessings" - Anonymous
- Jun 06, 2023 - R 500.00 Fees covered
- "Go Manny Go!" - Griet
- Jun 06, 2023 - R 300.00 Fees covered
- "Ek sien sooo uit na ons 3e groot C saam (2011, 2014 en nou 2023)! Die Trio het hard geoefen! Nou vir die "proof of the pudding..." Dankie vir jou vriendskap, kameraderie en lewenslesse! Ek salueer jou vir jou R&S charity run! Godspeed!! Go Buddy GO!!" - Johann
- Jun 05, 2023 - R 200.00 Fees covered
- "" - Anonymous
- Jun 05, 2023 - R 1 000.00
- "Sterkte met die Comrades liewe suster. Ons kan jou nie in vlees ondersteun nie maar ons is daar in Gees. Ons dank God dat Theuns nog met ons is en dat jy hierdie comrades kan doen om mense te help. Sterkte. En onthou Philipians 4:13 as jy moeg raak." - Conrad
- Jun 03, 2023 - R 500.00 Fees covered
- "Baie sterkte Mannie! Weet dit sal goed gaan!" - Mariet Louw
- Jun 02, 2023 - R 200.00 Fees covered
- "" - Anonymous
- Jun 01, 2023 - R 1 000.00
- "" - Anonymous
Rainbows and Smiles Foundation

The mission of Rainbows and Smiles is to provide emotional, social and financial support to families and caregivers in need when a child or children of that family is diagnosed with a life threatening illness such as cancer. In addition, Rainbows and Smiles encourage childhood cancer awareness to educate in the hope of promoting early detection.
To set up your own fundraising page for Rainbows and Smiles click here