Willie Prinsloo Helping Hand
- By: Luandri Prinsloo
- Short URL: https://archive.backabuddy.co.za/luandri-prinsloo-5823565470268310076
- Date Created: 29 January 2024
Personal message
Hello, Family and Friends,
I'm reaching out to each of you for help. As you know, my parents are in Margate, and my father urgently needs to return to Pretoria for Parkinson's treatment. Unfortunately, his machine has stopped working, and his health is deteriorating. His last Disability salary was received in December, and he now needs to apply for Sassa assistance. They also don't have medical insurance.
With the Taxi strike and his limited mobility, it's challenging for them to complete the application. As explained to us in August, the current machine is out of production, so no after-sales service is available. If the machine stops working, it needs to be removed to prevent further erosion that could worsen my father's condition.
According to the neurosurgeon, the machine is nearing its expiration date. Without the machine, my father's Parkinson's symptoms worsen. He needs a new machine called DBS Stimulation, which isn't covered by medical insurance. If the machine stops working completely, my father will be bedridden and unable to care for himself.
Willie and Tessa
Willie Prinsloo Helpende hand Campaign

Hallo Familie en Vriende, Ek wil 'n dringende versoek doen vir hulp. My pa het Parkinsons en sy masjien werk nie meer nie. Dit is 'n kritieke situasie, want sonder die masjien kan sy gesondheid versnel agteruitgaan. Ons benodig finansiƫle bystand vir 'n nuwe masjien genaamd DBS Stimulasie. Enige hulp sal waardeer word. Groete, Willie en Tessa
Hello Family and Friends, I want to make an urgent request for help. My dad has Parkinson's, and his machine is no longer working. This is a critical situation because without the machine, his health may deteriorate rapidly. We need financial assistance for a new machine called DBS Stimulation. Any help would be appreciated. Regards, Willie and Tessa