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Rugby Toer Grey College Bloem

Rugby Toer Grey College Bloem

Funds Raised:
R 0
Fundraising Target:
R 6 000

Personal message

Ons seun Louis is gekies om sy skool, Laerskool Proteapark se 0/11 span te verteenwoordig in Bloemfontein tydens die 0/11 rugby toernooi by Grey College 24 - 28 Maart 2024. Louis word hierdie jaar 11 en speel al rugby vandat hy 7 was.

Hy  baie passievol oor sy rugby en ons as ouers kan nie die toergeld by bring nie.  Die toer sluit buskoste, verblyf en etes in. Dan is daar nog addisione koste vir sakgeld wat ook gedek moet word. Enige hulp sal waardeer word om sy droom te laat waar word. Indien jy dit in jou hart voel om te help, kontak my gerus vir die skool se borgbrief en besonderhede.

English version:

Our pride, Louis, has been selected to represent Proteapark Primary School in the 0/11 rugby squad at Grey College, Bloemfontein, from March 24th to March 28th, 2024. Louis's passion for rugby, cultivated since age 7, shines brightly.

As parents, we've witnessed his dedication and love for the sport, despite facing financial constraints that hinder our ability to cover the tour expenses. His determination and perseverance serve as a shining example of his character and the values instilled in him by his upbringing.

The crowdfunding campaign we've initiated is a testament to our belief in Louis's potential and the importance of supporting him in pursuing his dreams. Your generous contribution will enable Louis to participate in this life-changing experience and affirm his belief in himself and his abilities.

Funds will be used for:

  • Bus costs
  • Accommodation
  • Meals
  • Pocket money for incidental expenses

Together, we can make a difference and ensure that Louis's journey in rugby continues to be filled with hope, opportunity, and success.

Please donate what you can, share this campaign with your friends and family, and spread the word on social media. Your support will not only make a difference in Louis's life but also serve as a source of inspiration for others facing similar challenges.

Thank you for believing in Louis's dreams and being a part of his journey to success.



Fundraising target

R 6 000.00

Donations to date

R 0.00

Rugby Toer Grey College Bloem Campaign

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Our son Louis, 11, has been chosen to represent Laerskool Proteapark in Bloemfontein's 0/11 rugby tournament at Grey College from March 24th to March 28th, 2024, but we can't afford the tour costs, so any help would be appreciated.

Ons seun Louis, 11, is gekies om Laerskool Proteapark in Bloemfontein se 0/11-rugbytoernooi by Grey College te verteenwoordig vanaf 24 Maart tot 28 Maart 2024, maar ons kan nie die toerkoste bekostig nie, dus sal enige hulp waardeer word.