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1ste span rugbytoer

1ste span rugbytoer

Funds Raised:
R 0
Fundraising Target:
R 6 250

Personal message

Goeie middag. Ek het hulp nodig asseblief. My seun is in Graad 11. Hy droom al van Graad 4 af om eendag eerstespan rugby te kan speel.. Hy is toe nou so gelukkig om gekies te word vir die skool se 1ste rugbyspan. Die toergelde is ongelooflik baie. Dit beloop R 6250. Hy oefen regtig baie hard en gee sy alles. Dit is 'n baie groot geleentheid en ek wil nie dat hy dit mis nie..Baie dankie dat u bereid is om te oorweeg om ons te help. Dit gaan verseker vir hom die wereld beteken!

Good day. I need support please. My son is in Grade 11. He has been dreaming to play for the schools first rugby team since he was in Grade 4. He has been blessed and have been chosen for the team. The tour is very expensive and I will not be able to pay it on my own. It is R 6250. He really trains hard, and I believe that he deserves this. This is a huge opportunity and I do not want him to miss out on this opportunity. Thank you for considering helping us! It would really mean the world to him.


Fundraising target

R 6 250.00

Donations to date

R 0.00

1ste span rugbytoer Campaign