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A little one for us to love

A little one for us to love

Funds Raised:
R 3 033
Fundraising Target:
R 30 000

Personal message

My name is Leatitia Mitchell. God has blessed me with a miracle baby. I'm 31 weeks pregnant and have a history of miscarriages that started in 2015 due to cervical incompatibility, having lost 4 babies. Not one doctor that I've been to has been able to tell me the reasons for all of my miscarriages, which happened when I was 5 months pregnant, until I met Dr. A vd Berg last year.

To be able to have a full-term pregnancy, unfortunately, we don't have the finances to pay for everything, so we are asking to open your hearts to help us pay for everything. We are staying in Secunda and have to travel to Mokopane to see the doctor. My due date is April 11, 2024. My husband and I just want to have a baby to complete our family, and we would greatly appreciate it if any of you could make a donation. No donation is too small or big. We need to get R30,000 for the baby.

The reason we could not put funds away for this is the following. We had to travel to the doctor every month with a cost of R2,000 there and back; some months, we had to see the doctor twice a month. The medication per month is R4,500.00, and to see the doctor is R550.00 per visit. My husband is the only person working.

We don't have medical aid, therefore we are asking for help.

Kind regards, Leatitia & Clinton Mitchell


  • Feb 29, 2024 - USD $ 117.67 Fees covered
  • "" - Deon & Tay

  • Feb 23, 2024 - R 100.00 Fees covered
  • "" - Anonymous

  • Feb 23, 2024 - USD $ 56.38 Fees covered
  • "" - Surane


Fundraising target

R 30 000.00

Donations to date

R 3 032.53

A little one for us to love Campaign

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My name is Leatitia Mitchell, and with a history of miscarriages due to cervical incompatibility, we are seeking help to cover the R30,000 expenses for our miracle baby's arrival, as my husband is the sole provider and we have no medical aid.