Sub Junior Powerlifter JP Blom
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- Date Created: 18 February 2024
Personal message
I am JP Blom.
A 17-year-old national powerlifting champion living in South Africa.
I am looking forward to breaking the SA squat RECORD of 247.5Kg at the end of the year.
My current personal bests are:
Squat: 217.5Kg
Deadlift: 217.5KG
Total: 552.5Kg
I am looking for sponsorships to help me to get to Africa Champs in Suncity and/or IPF Junior and Sub-Junior Worlds in Malta.
I am also in needed of certain equipment, coaching fees and food to fuel my training.
I would appreciate all donations made.
If you would like to see me train or want to know more about me check out my social media pages (Instagram, TikTok, Youtube): @Strongmanjp
Facebook: JP Strongman
My PODCAST with Emet media:
- Feb 18, 2024 - R 200.00 Fees covered
- "You got this! 💪🏻" - Daleen