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Saying goodbye

Saying goodbye

Funds Raised:
R 0
Fundraising Target:
R 5 000

Personal message

Our son was diagnosed with classical Hodgins lymphoma about 2years ago. He was having back pain for a year before we knew what was wrong. It has been hell for him,just got his first job when he got sick. He's been in and out off hospital,blood transfusions,scans,gemo, biopsys and so on. Plus he went through 3 different tipes of gemo,but with the last gemo,the doctors did a scan again,and he was told again it didn't work,and that ther isn't really anything the state hospital can do for him anymore. They are going to do another biopsy to see if he didn't developed another tipe of cancer,that they can treat. But the cancer he has now,nothing is working. And we are slowly losing our beloved son. All we as parents can do now is to try and make his life comfortable and giving him all that we can. He is in much pain,he is weak...and it's not easy seeing our son going through this,not knowing what to say,what to do any more... financialy we can't give him the best before his no more eith us,and it's breaking our hearts. We just want him to enjoy his life before he can't do anything..... please,find it in your hearts to help so that he can at least be comfortable until the end. God bless. His is only 24....never will have children,never get married...never know the love of someone special.....


Fundraising target

R 5 000.00

Donations to date

R 0.00

Saying goodbye Campaign