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A better life

A better life

Funds Raised:
R 0
Fundraising Target:
R 20 000

Personal message

Good morning
I am Gaynor Jansen and write this email with a heavy heart and tears.I Foster a child from 4 months old and he is 8 years now.When he was almost 2 years I saw he is different and took him to dockters,he was diagnosed with autism ( None verbal) , aggressive and lives in his own world.
I describe him as 2 sides in one jar๐Ÿ˜ He's pills are always going up and his school can't cope with him as his aggression and tantrums is dangerous for others.For this year they said he can come for 3days but with own transport and we can't afford it,we can't even take public transportation he fights with everyone and have tantrums.He really want to learn but how.
We are struggling at this point to get his medication,I can't go to clinics he goes wild and biters everyone.I don't know what life is outside anymore we are indoors because he runs away or hurting people in the street.We sit at a window and watch people ๐Ÿ˜ญ. Clinics Said I must come there to get medication but how.i pay people to go and money isn't always there
I am tired, heart broken and chrused.I need help please.He use to get shakes and porridge from the clinic and now I can't get it.
Medication (Risperdal,Largactil,Allergen,ritillin,lactulose,senekot, lorazepam)
Daily life with RJ
Breaks everything, cupboard doors, fridge doors, phones.and he want is replaced
Food need to be open and in shapes
Eats toilet paper,sand, mattress, t-shirt, pillows,bread
Write on the walls and makes holes in the mattress
Love to write and play in tents and want to talk
I need help with many things .I don't even no how go for shopping because when he brake something I have to replace it
Please please help( food, clothes, toys,education,tents, medication)
I really want a better life for him that is why I am reaching out.I love him with all my heart, it's just my shoulders are heavy and feel he deserves more.
I live in George, pacalsdorp and love for everyone to assist.thank you
Kind regards


Fundraising target

R 20 000.00

Donations to date

R 0.00

A better life Campaign