Duncan needs little help
- By: Charlene THEUNISSEN
- Short URL: https://archive.backabuddy.co.za/duncan-theunissen-5829725541819259423
- Date Created: 5 February 2024
Personal message
Hi all,
As most of you know Duncan story aka our Champ my warrior son. Duncan was diagnosed with Cerebral palsy when he was 2yrs old. He had his major operation when he was 6yrs old started to walk after.
As time has gone, Duncan started to experience very bad hip pains. We have always been going to government hospitals. But unfortunately Duncan needs a scope on his hip both hospitals we have been referred too can not help us. The reason why Duncan needs the scope is what we can make out they think Duncan got lesions on hip (doctors don't communicate much) Attached I will put the doctors note. 2 years we have battling to get our Champ help but we have had no luck.
Duncan is in constant pain due to his hip I have got all the x rays and doctors letters from the government hospitals. I went too Google , I have found a private orthopedic surgeon who can help our Champ. Consultation visit for him to check ✔️ Duncan will be R1400 and they gave a quote +- R30000 - R40000 for the scope.
Please 🙏 I know times are are difficult but every bit will help to see our Champ not in so much pain everyday. Duncan has been chosen 2 years for his Gauteng colours in sports .He tries everyday just to live his life like any other teenage boy. I am hoping we can get our son help by his 17th birthday this year.
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