Duncan Kukard - 100km Great Shark Swim
- By: Duncan Kukard
- Short URL: https://archive.backabuddy.co.za/duncan-kukard-100km-great-shark-swim
- Date Created: 9 April 2020
Personal message
Swimming for my gorgeous wife and 5 beautiful children - if I can do it, then anyone can do it.
MADswimmer is an amazing group of guys doing some proper first time pioneering swims that I'm so happy to be apart of - help us by donating a small amount that will go to one of the many childrens charities we support in SA.
- Nov 30, 2017 - R 1 000.00 Fees covered
- "Best of Luck" - Charl Roos Agencies
- Nov 27, 2017 - R 1 000.00 Fees covered
- "Hope that current is pushing real hard" - eRni
- Nov 22, 2017 - R 500.00 Fees covered
- "Have an awesoemswim" - Renee Aucamp
- Nov 21, 2017 - R 500.00 Fees covered
- "Go you good dog go !!!" - Nigel/ True Alliance
- Nov 17, 2017 - R 500.00 Fees covered
- "Go boy!" - Doug & Hazel
- Nov 17, 2017 - R 200.00 Fees covered
- "Head down, hold it in. " - Robf
- Nov 16, 2017 - R 250.00 Fees covered
- "You guys ARE really mad, but i take my hat off to you!!" - Martin Teichmann
- Nov 15, 2017 - USD $ 14.66 Fees covered
- "Here's to one more swim (Not the last) before you go to Kiwi Land!!!" - YellowTrash
- Nov 15, 2017 - R 1 436.96
- "Keep Swimming ....." - Jean Craven
- Nov 14, 2017 - R 500.00 Fees covered
- "It’s a long way to NZ matey......better make this your practice swim. " - Fatso
- Nov 13, 2017 - R 500.00
- "Lead by example " - Duncan
- Nov 13, 2017 - R 150.00 Fees covered
- "Swim faaaaast .... Will be an awesome achievement!" - Ray Lawrence

Madswimmer is a registered non-profit company consisting of individuals involved with daring open water swims to raise funds for children’s charities. They are established businessmen and women in their own right, but also do these extreme, adventurous swims. Take a look at some previous campaigns here to see how they managed to raise over USD900 000 over the past 13 years.