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Funds Raised:
R 575 000
Fundraising Target:
R 1 920 000

Personal message

The YouTube Channel TheCARnivalWorldwide an initiative that has grown from: 
-attempting to broadcast closed private race events to the general public, 
-into a platform aimed at increasing interest within private and public motorsport globally, for now most notably the discipline of Drag Racing.
The channel aims to:
-Provide an insight into the sport, to members of the general public who may have never known this industry exists or have never had the support to explore this, to know if they are interested. 
-It has also proven to add value in terms of allowing supporters (family and friends included) who are unable to accompany racing athletes, to share in all the emotion of the competition. 
-It has enabled fans of athletes to engage directly with their idols. 
-It has afforded competitors a chance to study their competition.
-It has enabled fans and supporters who only read about these cars and racers in magazines and who watch edited content to watch it live as well or in its entirety at their convenience.
-It has done so much more in connecting people in the moment LIVE across SA with athletes and automotive brands, the likes they may only have seen in magazines or in pictures on social media.
This channel has over the last 2 years exceeded it's subscribership in actual viewership, with examples of large groups watching in sports lounges along with social gatherings at home. I have tried and will persevere in bringing this to the vulverable and underprivileged by partnering with organisations/venues who are keen to share this with the general public through community programmes and provide a platform to persue a potential passion.
There are several initiatives I have put in place to engage with all, irrespective of circumstance and enable them to share in a recreation that could potentially lead to a career driven by passion.
These are:
- Opening all platforms to anyone.
- Using centralised broadcast mediums most accessible by the general public.
- Creating centralised chat platforms within social media offerings to allow conversation and inclusion.
While I would like everyone to be a subscriber/follower, with this narrative seemingly a desperate need by platform owners and operators, the reality is quite the opposite in South Africa. People simply cannot afford at any/every juncture. Sometimes even the very basic data requirements to reach these platforms are out of reach. I know my subscribership is merely a fraction of the people it really reaches and that is evident in the interactions I have with people in most all provinces of South Africa. 
Thank you for supporting the sport, something is so often overlooked.
To the people supporting, however that may be, thank you too.


Fundraising target

R 1 920 000.00

Donations to date

R 575 000.00

Funds raised offline

R 575 000.00

TheCARnivalWorldwide Campaign