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DJ Run 2023

Funds Raised:
R 5 319
Fundraising Target:
R 50 000

Personal message

Our Story
DJ Run is an annual event run by Watch Me Rise. DJ Run started as an awareness campaign for the importance of mental health and suicide prevention. The event is named after co-founder Gareth Kropman’s brother who took his own life in 2015. In 2017, two of DJ's friends chose to run for his birthday, the age he would have be on this planet. He would’ve been 28 and so they thought: “Let’s go and do a 28-kilometer run”… and they did it!
“I thought it was beautiful and an absolutely amazing idea. I really enjoyed the concept and asked in 2018: 'Are you guys happy for me to try and run with this?'. Bearing in mind, my brother was not an energizer bunny, at all! I could just imagine him sitting up there having a beer and looking at us and going, 'What are you guys doing?!' But you know what? 2018 came around, we put the message out there and we had quite a few followers coming and joining us.” – Gareth Kropman, co-founder of Watch Me Rise.
Since then it has been growing year on year. It has been amazing to see how people come together, not just to run, but also to help out. In 2020 we hosted our first virtual race. This was initially because of the COVID-19 pandemic, but we have continued as it gives people from anywhere in the world the chance to participate.
6th annual DJ Run
This year will be our 6th annual DJ Run. Last year, we had 98 participants, from 10 countries, who covered 2895km, and dedicated 19998 minutes to our cause. We also raised funds for the South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG).
We are so grateful for your support and proud of everyone who not only participated but also contributed their time and effort to make this possible. With your help, we are confident that we will continue to grow our community and reach even more people in our campaign to raise awareness about mental health and suicide prevention.
If you would like to participate in DJ Run 2023, register here: 
DJ Run at its Core
The core behind DJ Run is fitness, because with a healthy body comes a healthy mind. Even though DJ Run started as a running event, all exercises are included.  Anything that will help to get the endorphins up and the brain into a positive state. Endorphins are fantastic to get you into a positive mindset - and a positive mindset means everything in life. People normally underestimate the power of going outside and getting some exercise. Something as simple as going on a daily walk has been proven to make a massive impact on people’s moods and energy.
People, especially those who struggle with depression find it difficult to motivate themselves to start good habits. That is why we see DJ Run as a catalyst for people that need it. As we have seen, it gives people something to be part of, that can feel like a personal achievement, and gets them outside, moving and increasing those endorphins. Our hope is that this will give them the strength to keep fighting, keep building better habits and let people know they are part of a community that will help them find the support they need.
Supporting a Cause
It is also important to us to provide people with opportunities to give back, so since 2021 we have been raising funds for The South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG) who we believe is making a difference in South Africa when it comes to mental health awareness and suicide prevention.
There is honestly too much that they are doing to mention everything here. So if you wanted to find out more about them and the amazing work they do, you can find out everything you need on their website 
Anything you donate will be greatly appreciated. If you can’t donate, but would still like to be involved, you can either participate in the DJ Run or help us spread the word by letting friends or family know about us. You can find out more on our website, or register to participate in DJ Run 2023 here: 
Thank you to anyone reading this, even if you are not planning on donating. Remember, you are unique, and an amazing person.


  • Nov 17, 2023 - USD $ 12.18 Tipped
  • "" - Anonymous

  • Nov 16, 2023 - R 500.00 Tipped
  • "Well done Gareth for leading the charge on this important initiative that has far reaching impact on us all." - Andrew McElroy

  • Nov 16, 2023 - R 3 630.00 Tipped
  • "Thanks to your incredible support, our T-shirt campaign for DJ Run has been a resounding success! We're inspired by your enthusiasm and grateful for your support. Now let's get out there and keep moving for mental health!" - Watch Me Rise: T-Shirt Campaign

  • Nov 15, 2023 - R 1 000.00 Tipped
  • "" - Anonymous


Fundraising target

R 50 000.00

Donations to date

R 5 318.80

The South African Depression and Anxiety Group

Charity Default Logo

The South African Depression and Anxiety Group is a Mental Health NGO offering free telephonic counselling for Mental Health isuues. SADAG is also invoved in other projects including teen suicide prevention and mental health education and awareness.