living with Ms
- Short URL: https://archive.backabuddy.co.za/danita-steenkamp-5838790864418301110
- Date Created: 16 February 2024
Personal message
My Story
It was the year of 2021, in September, my foot became numb. I’ve been to multiple dockers in Limpopo as well as a chiropractor to try and resolve this strange feeling. One Docter pulled the last straw and sent me to a specialist. As I decided to go to the specialist, I have developed some new symptoms as a shock feeling down my body if I look down, the numbness spread up to cover both my legs and up to my torso that made it quite easy for this doctor to finalize his diagnosis. To prove his diagnosis, he sent me to have an MRI scan and a CT scan. While in the MRI machine, I heard the radiologist mumbling to another doctor on his phone and a bad feeling came over my body.
I was diagnosed with MS (Multiple Sclerosis)
As we got over the big disappointment and all that we could do was to try and live with it. We had to make the best of the situation.
We have done some research into this disease to see what we can learn from it and what hope do we have. Turns out that there is no cure for it.
I have decided not to tell anyone and to try and live with as little people that know and feel sorry for you. I only told my direct family, but my symptoms became much worse than anticipated. By December that we went to see a doctor in Parys (Free state) He was a brilliant man but quite expensive, for all the meds he subscribed it cost us almost R5000 excluding the fuel and consultation and that was the last time we could see him.
My function became so bad that I was in a wheelchair for the first time in my life, I couldn’t go anywhere as I had no control over my bladder. I was a broken woman, not being able to be the mommy my kids deserve.
I couldn’t hide this MS anymore as everyone was asking questions. As I still tried working a friend told me about a specialist in Pretoria
As I had no medical aid of any sort, this was becoming a very big problem for me. There were no more funds.
The medication would be R 7000 a month and he advised to get medical aid, but we just could afford it.
We had some help from our friends with this medication, but after two months it started drying up again. My symptoms came back. This time I thought it was it. It was just too unbearable. I gave up completely. It was here were I saw the love and care of my husband and my little boys. Who was I to give up on this. Thinking of the pain that Jesus went trough for his children, I couldn’t give up like this.
I went for another Cortisone treatment as hard as it was for me, I tried again.
We managed to get to the Docter again and he helped me in going through the state hospital (Steve Biko) They can supply me with the medication.
It went well for quite some time, just as I would get bad symptoms of started struggling again, I would go for a cortisone drip, and would be able to go on for a few months again, before the symptoms arise again.
Now its February in 2024, I have had symptoms again in December and as usual it was time for the Cortisone drip again. I stated experiencing a few new symptoms and I believe this means there are some new spots either in my brain or in my spine. I would have to go for an MRI. The machine at the hospital a broken for two years now. For an MRI it varies from R8000 to R13000. And I just don’t have this stashed away.
Here I am now asking for help, to raise enough funds for me to get the necessary scans and to be able to see the specialist and see where to go next with my journey and if I should get stronger medication.
- Mar 01, 2024 - USD $ 28.14 Fees covered
- "Hy hoor jou gebede ๐๐ป" - Anonymous
- Feb 27, 2024 - R 199.91 Fees covered
- "Sterkte Danita dink aan jou. Mag die Here jou elke oomblik styf vashou!" - Anonymous
- Feb 23, 2024 - USD $ 11.28 Fees covered
- "Baie sterkte Danita!" - Anonymous
- Feb 22, 2024 - R 500.00 Fees covered
- "" - Anonymous
- Feb 22, 2024 - R 500.00 Fees covered
- "Baie baie sterkte, Danita" - Anonymous
- Feb 21, 2024 - USD $ 28.55 Fees covered
- "Jy is 'n yster-vrou Danita!! ๐๐ป๐" - Anonymous
- Feb 18, 2024 - USD $ 114.30 Fees covered
- "If only we can wave a magic wand and make it all better, but you are an amazing person and we know you are a true fighter and an absolute inspiration to all" - Nicky and Gab
- Feb 17, 2024 - R 500.00 Fees covered
- "My liewe vriendin jy moet sterk wees. Ek hoop en bid dat daar genoeg geldjies Kan in Kom vir jou scans en medisyne ๐๐liefde die klomp Ferreira's ๐" - Adri Ferreira
- Feb 17, 2024 - R 100.00 Fees covered
- "Jesaja 40 : 29 Dit is Hy wat vermoeides krag gee, wat lewenskrag vermeerder vir diรฉ wat geen vermoรซns het nie. Lief vir jou!" - Nikita