Help Daniel study his Drama Degree
- By: Daniel Freitas
- Short URL: https://archive.backabuddy.co.za/daniel-freitas-5824517794017881169
- Date Created: 30 January 2024
Personal message
Daniel completed matric in 2022 whilst his dad lay in ICU (for 9 months) not knowing if his dad would survive.
Not only did he get up and show up each day for every exam under extreme circumstances, but he overcame those hurdles and achieved outstanding results. Passing with a Bachelor’s Degree and a Distinction in Drama.
It has always been Daniel’s dream to study a Drama degree and to move on to becoming an actor, he played the leading role in each production at school and clearly has the talent to achieve his dream.
We are trying to get funding for him through Nsfas as we as a single income household cannot afford the costs involved. The Nsfas process is a long and complicated one and we are struggling with the process.
Daniel needs to register within the next 2 weeks and I as his mom just cannot afford his registration costs to ver and above our normal monthly expenses. As his mom, I will try my very best to get his funding approved but until then I need help to get him registered so that he can’t at least start his first semester.
Any small contribution towards these costs would be so very much appreciated, I just cannot bear the thought of him not being able to pursue his dream to study and to overcome the adversity he has faced recently.
- Feb 02, 2024 - R 200.00 Fees covered
- "" - Anonymous
- Jan 31, 2024 - USD $ 57.54 Fees covered
- "" - Anonymous