Cara's Swahili Channel swim for charity
- By: Cara Gough
- Short URL: https://archive.backabuddy.co.za/caras-swahili-channel-swim-for-charity
- Date Created: 9 April 2020
Personal message
Loves a warm water swim and excited to take on the MADswim challenge!
We will be swimming the 35km Swahili Channel from Zanzibar island to Tanzania mainland in relay sessions on the 10th of October. The swim is in aid to raise charity funds for a children charity organisation in Tanzania.
We depart at 530 am from Zanzibar with an expected 14 hour day in the water to mainland Tanzania. I hope to contribute 10- 12 km's to the relay.
I am also so grateful to have Simon paddling next to be for good company and shark defence :-)
Any donations towards our swim will be very greatly appreciated!
- Oct 13, 2015 - R 200.00 Fees covered
- "Well done" - Pembertino
- Oct 09, 2015 - USD $ 80.18 Fees covered
- "Best of luck Cara and well done !!" - Tim Hart
- Oct 09, 2015 - R 500.00 Fees covered
- "Enjoy the experience" - Mark
- Oct 08, 2015 - R 306.00 Fees covered
- "Good luck Cos...and Bush " - Alice
- Oct 08, 2015 - R 500.00
- "Best you both make it to the other side! got a wedding to enjoy :):)" - Faye and Mike
- Oct 08, 2015 - R 500.00 Fees covered
- "Go Aunty Cara! Lots of love xxx" - Dan Knight
- Oct 08, 2015 - R 300.00 Fees covered
- "Happy swimming Cara! Happy paddling Bush!" - Ryan & Kerryn
- Oct 07, 2015 - R 200.00
- "ENJOY!!! Watch out for the sharks :-) " - Sikho
- Oct 02, 2015 - R 500.00 Fees covered
- "Enjoy" - Adriaan
- Oct 01, 2015 - R 1 000.00 Fees covered
- "All the best!" - Greg

Madswimmer is a registered non-profit company consisting of individuals involved with daring open water swims to raise funds for children’s charities. They are established businessmen and women in their own right, but also do these extreme, adventurous swims. Take a look at some previous campaigns here to see how they managed to raise over USD900 000 over the past 13 years.