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Book & Breakfast Initiative

Book & Breakfast Initiative

Funds Raised:
R 5 428
Fundraising Target:
R 11 000

Personal message

The Book & Breakfast Initiative is contributing to addressing South Africa’s high rates of child hunger and illiteracy. Eight million children in the country aren’t getting enough nutrition and 81% of Grade 4s can’t read with comprehension.  When children don’t get the right nutrition, they can become stunted not only resulting in being short for their age, but it can also have a devastating impact on brain development. This means they are more likely to struggle to learn in school, to not pursue tertiary education and thus find it hard to access employment, so perpetuating the cycle of generational poverty. Being unable to read for meaning not only impacts children’s educational and working lives, it impacts their entire lives.

Over the next three years, our aim is to reach 10,000 young, vulnerable children in communities countrywide with a daily, nutritious breakfast and a new book on a monthly basis. We aim to realise this objective by encouraging members of the public to make a donation of R110.00 / $6.00, which will buy a child a healthy breakfast and a new book each month. By donating to the Book & Breakfast Initiative, you can play an important role in giving children the best possible start in life, while building a better future for us all.


  • Mar 05, 2024 - USD $ 201.00 Tipped
  • "" - Roger Needs Chesties

  • Mar 05, 2024 - USD $ 101.00 Tipped
  • "Go Keri, Justin and Marc" - Anonymous


Fundraising target

R 11 000.00

Donations to date

R 5 427.90

HOPE worldwide South Africa

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HOPE worldwide South Africa is a national, faith-based NGO that is working in 7 provinces to give young, vulnerable children the best possible start in life.