Cancer awareness
- By: Barbara Von litzenborgh
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- Date Created: 8 February 2024
Personal message
Good day All
If you find it in your heart to help a mother in need please read the below.
Barbara found out last year May (2023) that she has throat cancer ,it has been a tough road in and out the hospitals for the past few months. What makes it worse is that she can not work at the moment due to the very aggressive chemo she is getting and it makes her very sick.
She does not have medical aid and her blood tests alone comes out up to R14K.
She is a mother of two beautiful children and need to provide for them ,it is not always easy as physically she is not in a state to take good care of her children, she always has to get someone to assist with baby girl and she also misses her mother deeply when she is in hospital. Financial stress is a other kind of stress on top of this emotional stress :( Please fellow brother's and sister's any kind of help will be much appreciated, even if it is just a R50 every little helps. Let us try and relieve Barbara from financial stress at least , so she can concentrate on her health and the well being of her children.
Be blessed<3
Warm Regards