The Unity Challenge Jerusalem Marathon
- Number of champion(s): 1
- Event: Jerusalem Marathon 2014
- Cause: ORT SA
For their next Marathon campaign, ORT SA teams up with SAZF and Mizrachi SA to create an unforgettable trip for all attendees in the Holy city of Jerusalem in Israel.
“Elevate the physical into something spiritual” is the strap line to this Campaign and the organisers have put together an extraordinary programme for their team . Joined by running Legend Bruce Fordyce , the journey begins long before the race.
Each runner has signed up to run either half / full marathon on 21 March 2014 and raise funds for South African Charities .
The Unity Challenge Jerusalem 2014 experience is going to be very unique and runners will be able to select a South African charity of their choice where up to 50% of their funds can be donated.ORT SA and Mizrachi will be the other beneficiaries .
Please support our brave runners who will be covering their own travel expenses and costs to give back !!